GROMOSTAR 60, GROMOSTAR ESE lightning protection, kim thu sét chủ động hiện đại phóng tia tiên đạo sớm, bán kính bảo vệ 107m

GROMOSTAR 60, GROMOSTAR ESE lightning protection, kim thu sét chủ động hiện đại phóng tia tiên đạo sớm, bán kính bảo vệ 107m

GROMOSTAR 60, GROMOSTAR ESE lightning protection, kim thu sét chủ động hiện đại phóng tia tiên đạo sớm, bán kính bảo vệ 107m



Lightning Protection Systems GROMOSTAR and OMEGA are characterized by:
  • innovative technology
  • scientifically proven high efficiency of lightning protection
  • the robust design allowing to withstand multiple lightning strikes
  • available with testing system
  • possible to connect lightning discharges register
  • reliability in action in various conditions
  • easy installation and maintenance
  • long-term warranty
  • lower cost compared with a conventional lightning protections system
  • the technology is patented in many countries all over the world
  • the production process is subject to ISO 9001:2008 and Qualifoudre INERIS requirements
  • GROMOSTAR and OMEGA were tested in accordance with NFC 17-102 standard in high voltage laboratories, such as LGE in Pau, EDF Lab Les Renardières (France), SJTU in Shanghai (China)



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