Streamer - Thiết bị điện: Cao - Trung - Hạ thế, Chống Sét Van, Thiết bị đường dây và Trạm biến áp

Streamer - Thiết bị điện: Cao - Trung - Hạ thế, Chống Sét Van, Thiết bị đường dây và Trạm biến áp


  • The VII Russian Conference on Lightning Protection is a platform where a business gains knowledge and expertise of scient...

Streamer - Thiết bị điện: Cao - Trung - Hạ thế, Chống Sét Van, Thiết bị đường dây và Trạm biến áp


  • The VII Russian Conference on Lightning Protection is a platform where a business gains knowledge and expertise of scientific community and equipment manufacturers

  • LLPD
    Line lightning protection devices for medium
    voltage networks

    Moisture monitoring & drying

  • The VII Russian Conference on Lightning Protection is a platform where a business gains knowledge and expertise of scientific community and equipment manufacturers

  • LLPD
    Line lightning protection devices for medium
    voltage networks



  • Lightning protection
    Lightning protection
  • FIPRES -  Fire/overheating prevention
    FIPRES - Fire/overheating prevention
  • TRANSEC - Moisture monitoring & drying
    TRANSEC - Moisture monitoring & drying
  • SC250 Surge Counter
    SC250 Surge Counter


On June 2, the Streamer leaders met with the Minister of Economy of Guatemala and the Ambassador of Guatemala to Russia

On June 2, the Streamer leaders met with the Minister of Economy of Guatemala and the Ambassador of Guatemala to Russia

Streamer Electric AG designs, manufactures and delivers solutions intended to improve the reliability of power supply, reduce operational activities and cut down costs, as well as ensure industrial safety.
The company's product portfolio comprises the range of LLPDs for installation on 6-70 kV overhead lines, fault indicators, transformers on-line drying solution and Lightning Strike Counter allows to count the number of lightning strikes.


Streamer AG has received 120 patents for technology and devices suitable for industrial applications. Unique designs underlying the company's innovations made it possible to create products demanded in different countries, especially in regions with high lightning activity, where crucial attention should be given to the lightning protection of overhead power lines. Today, almost two million LLPDs based on multi-chamber system, more than 2,000 TRANSEC modules, and more than 30,000 short-circuit indicators, are installed worldwide.

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  • protect-slide
  • protect-slide
  • protect-slide
  • protect-slide
  • protect-slide
  • protect-slide
  • protect-slide

Where we are

The company was founded in 1996. Today, its staff counts 175 professionals working in six countries: Switzerland, China, UK, Thailand, Ecuador, and Russia. Since 2012, the company headquarters has been located in the city of Chur in Switzerland. The company has modern production facilities in Russia and the UK.

  • 2011
  • 2012
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  • 2011
  • 2012
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Offices  Installations

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Streamer - Thiết bị điện: Cao - Trung - Hạ thế, Chống Sét Van, Thiết bị đường dây và Trạm biến áp  Không có sản phẩm trong danh mục này.

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Lightning protection,...

Lightning protection, Lightning and its interaction with overhead lines, Chống sét van đường dây không và trạm biến áp Streamer



Lightning protection

Lightning and its interaction with overhead lines

Lightning is a very common natural phenomenon. About 6 lightning strikes hit the Earth’s surface each second. Below is a map of the flash density developed by NASA. You can estimate the situation in your region: if ground flash density (GFD) is greater than 10, then you should not ignore it.


Types of interactions with overhead lines

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Direct Lightning Strike (DLS)

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Induced Overvoltage (IOV)

Issues caused by lightning  on overhead lines

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Direct strike creates a lightning impulse splitting and propagating along the line making insulators flashover on its way.

Indirect strike generates induced overvoltages on the line by electromagnetic effects. It can also lead to insulator flashovers.

After insulators flashover, the current powered by a transformer at the nearest substation deviates from the normal circuit: fault current establishes through the insulators affected by lightning overvoltage.

Possible consequences


of follow current

  • Failure of the transformer by mechanical stress and temperature rise 
  • Outages and trips
  • Conductor breakage (in particular covered conductors)
  • Insulator breakage


of lightning overvoltage propagation

  • Insulator breakage
  • Metal Oxide Arrester breakage
  • Failure of the transformer due to insulation failure



A unique & efficient technology for Line Lightning Protection.

EasyQuench is a unique technology, developed and being improved since 1996 by Streamer. Products featuring the  EasyQuench technology protect overhead lines against direct and indirect lightning strikes, thus helping to prevent breakage of conductors, insulators and power outages. Due to their operating principle, line lightning protection devices  (LLPDs) do not require any special grounding (e.g. a ground lead). Therefore, these devices are especially efficient in areas with high soil resistivity.

More information

Type Tests

Products are tested in the leading and most recognized high voltage laboratories worldwide

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  Сustomers list


FIPRES - Fire/overheating prevention, Phòng chống cháy nổ / quá nhiệt Streamer


FIPRES - Fire/overheating prevention


Key benefits 

  • Detects hot spots long before a dangerous situation, avoiding material damage, threats to life, and loss of profit 
  • Provides 24/7 monitoring with SCADA connectivity 
  • Can be quickly and easily installed in existing equipment 
  • Safe and patented solution with a validity period of 10 years


Electrical fires every year become a cause of terrible consequences for all kinds of facilities. Industrial disasters result in huge financial losses with damages done by the fire and production downtime. In the worst cases, fire costs the lives of people. In most cases, the reason for fires is faults in the electrical network. Contact connections (especially connections made on-site) in MV and LV are always the most problematic points of the electrical network due to possible loosening. It can be caused by improper tightening torque during the assembly process or constant vibrations over time. Another reason which can lead to a worsening of the contact condition is temperature cycling through the day. Heating at high current and cooling at low current causes expansion and contraction of contact and may lead to contact loss. And even if an insufficiently tightened connection can still provide an acceptable level of mechanical reliability of the connection, it worsens electrical and thermal reliability:
  1. As soon as the connection is loosened, its own resistance increases. This happens due to loosening the fit of contact surfaces (Bolt / Busbar, Cable lug / Busbar, etc.) This resistance causes the contact to heat up
  2. Heating due to increased resistance contributes to the oxidation process (which happens faster at higher temperatures)
  3. Oxidation covers the contact with an oxide film, and its resistance is much higher than for the base metal
  4. The resulting thermal runaway leads to a complete failure of connection. As a result, such contact burns out or leads to an electric fire in the compartment

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Typical scenario of fire inside electrical cabinets is shown below:

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FIPRES. How it works 

Early detection of abnormal temperature rises will prevent electrical failures and fire months before the problem rises. It also allows to save equipment from using at overheated conditions and prolongate its lifespan. On this basis, FIPRES is made. FIPRES offers a comprehensive and affordable solution for LV and MV electrical panels and switchgears. The technology implies the easy application of temperature-sensitive stickers (rFPT) on conductors and busbars of electrical equipment. Each sticker has indicative points, that irreversibly change color when the conductor heats up to a certain temperature. After reaching the critical temperature level (activation temperature), the stickers start to emit signal gas (non-toxic and non-flammable), that is being detected by the special sensor (FPA) located in the same volume. As soon as the sensor detects the presence of signal gas inside the cabinet, it emits an alarm signal to SCADA system or any other external system via dry contact output.


Technical comparison with thermal imaging control

Regularly checking contact connections is complex due to their large number, the constant operation under-voltage, and often the lack of access for the inspection. The most popular method - scheduled infrared thermography inspections has several significant disadvantages.

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  • Works around the clock
  • Allow to check equipment in locked (explosion-proof) enclosures
  • Checks all spots at the same time
  • Does not depend on the human factor
  • Works only at the time of inspection
  • Doesn’t allow to check equipment in locked (explosion-proof) enclosures
  • The load at the time of inspection should be at least 60% to see weak points
  • Depends on the human factor
  • Risky for personnel because the inspection should be done near to live electrical equipment

Scope of application

FIPRES can be used in:
  • Low/medium voltage electrical panels
  • Switchgear cells
  • Any electrical equipment, including equipment in explosion-proof housings 
See more examples in our album of standard solutions. If you didn’t find there your equipment, contact us.